...but if you're not doing anything wrong,

then why do you care if The Harper Gang
reads your email, taps your phone,
passes around your personal information 
like a party favour,  and/or
locks you up because they think you're thinking
about doing something?

These privacy pirates are the same people 
who trashed Statistics Canada's long form census 
for being "too invasive".

From the hearings on Bill C-51

Joanna Kerr, the executive director of Greenpeace Canada
was asked if she 
considered herself to be
a threat to national security, because....

if you're not a terrorist then why would you worry
about an “anti-terrorism” bill

Her concerns about C-51 made her interrogator
wonder if your organization
is a national security threat

What's it all leading to?
Are we still allowed to disagree?
How much? For how long?

Maybe I'm paranoid.

On the other hand, Maher Arar
   wasn't doing anything wrong, was he?

The PMO* - the Prime Minister's Office,
which includes His Office as well as the offices of his extensive staff

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